Parish Center Office 732-747-5466 option 1
Faith Formation / Religious Ed 732-747-5466 option 2
Nursery 732-333-7362 / SLG Religious Store 908-770-1989
The Funeral or Memorial Mass is traditionally held in the Church. The casket or urn is sprinkled with holy water when carried into the Church, and symbols of the Catholic faith such as an open Bible or crucifix may be placed on the casket. The first few rows of pews at the Funeral Mass are reserved for close family.
Non-Catholics in attendance are invited to participate in, or sit and witness, the service but should bear in mind that only Catholics will receive Communion. They are invited to come up with our Communicants with arms crossed across their chest to receive a special blessing from the Priest.
A selection of readings, prayers, music and liturgical roles may be chosen by the family.
Catholic Burial and Cremation
After the Mass, a gathering may take place at a cemetery or mausoleum for the burial, during which the casket or urn is committed to the final resting place. Cremated remains must be committed to a consecrated site. Urns and other cremation containers are not permitted to be stored in a home, nor can ashes be scattered.
Catholic Funeral Etiquette
Flowers are generally acceptable and may be sent to the family's home or to the funeral home. Charitable donations may also be offered to Saint Leo's or a charity chosen by the family. At the Catholic Funeral Mass, traditional attire is modest and dark in color. A demeanor of reverence should be kept while in the Church.
From the Wake to the Funeral Mass, our Pastoral Minister will help plan a Funeral Mass that honors the Catholic funeral traditions that are important to your family. After the family meets with the Funeral Director and you advise them of your wishes, they will call the Parish Center to arrange the Funeral Mass with us.
A eulogy (or words of remembrance) is not part of the funeral Mass. If there is to be a eulogy, it may take place at the conclusion of the wake or prayer service or at a gathering following the funeral and burial. An alternative to a eulogy is a printed souvenir leaflet with biographical and other details of the deceased’s life and achievements, which serves as a more permanent keepsake.
Outline of a Catholic Funeral |
Introductory Rites:
◗ Greeting, sprinkling of casket or cremains with holy water, placing of the pall, the entrance procession, placing of Christian symbols (if desired), and opening prayer.
Liturgy of the Word:
◗ First Reading, Responsorial Psalm, Second Reading, Homily, General Intercessions
◗ Liturgy of the Eucharist continues on as it normally does at any Mass, until after Communion.
Final Commendation:
◗ Prayer and silence, signs of farewell (incensation of casket or cremains and sprinkling with holy water), song of farewell, prayer of commendation, and procession to the place of committal (burial).
◗ Scripture verse, prayer over place of committal, committal, intercesions, Our Father, concluding prayer, prayer over the people, dismissal.