Prayer Shawl Ministry

  • Join us in this Ministry of Love!
    The compassion and the enjoyment of knitting or crocheting are combined into a spiritual practice that reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace.

    If you are interested in sharing your skills to enfold someone in needed warmth or a powerful prayer hug, please complete the form below.

  • Who we are video

  • Meeting are usually held on the second Monday of each month, except where a holiday falls.

    We take the Summer months of July and August off.
     Please refer to our Calendar for specific dates.
    Ministry Leader:  Penny Marzec
    To learn about the origins of the prayer shawl ministry and obtain prayers, patterns, tips, etc. click HERE


    Our Ministry is also looking for donations of yarn to support their ministry

    Ladies from our Prayer Shawl Ministry have been knitting and crocheting furiously to complete prayer shawls for our bereaved families. These faithful servants are in need of yarn donations to keep up with the need throughout our congregation.
    Contributions of acrylic yarn or a monetary donation to buy supplies can be made to this ministry by dropping them off at the Parish Center - Attn:  Penny Marzec

    Thank you in advance for your assistance!

  • Prayer Shawl Ministry Registration

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  • Some of our handiwork

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  • Prayer for Ukraine

    Prayer for Ukraine
  • A Note of Thanks

  • Blue Ribbon Recipient at the County Fair